Welcome to the website of AB1JU!
A collection of Amateur Radio information, learning and links, repeater listings, radio programming files and some photos thrown in for good measure.
Want to get your amateur radio license? Check out my Elmer page for some additional learning materials.
The AB1JU NC PRN Codeplug for the CS700 radio can be found on my DMR page. Don't forget to sign up for my email list to be notified of codeplug updates! (Located on the right side of the DMR page.)
There are complete repeater listings for both NC repeaters and CT repeaters that I have compiled. Both lists are also available as CSV files for your programming pleasure.
Need help programming your radio? I provide radio programming services for both Amateur and Commercial Radios!
Programming available for most models of:
Motorola ♦ Kenwood ♦ ICOM ♦ Midland ♦ Vertex Standard ♦ Connect Systems ♦ TYT ♦ AnyTone ♦ Baofeng ♦ Hytera ♦ Wouxon ♦ Uniden ♦ ..and others!
More information is on my Radio Programming page!
QSL Contact information is on the contact page and you can learn a little about me on my (where else?) About Me page.
Questions? Comments? Please use our Contact Us page.